The Annapolis Tapestries: Background

Inspired by the Heritage Tapestries of the City’s sister city, Annapolis Royal, this historic project began in September 2006 when seven local historians met with Remy Agee, Chair, then City Administrator, Bob Agee, and volunteer facilitator, Paulette Francois, in the historic Maryland Inn.  This was the first of many sessions of the Historians Work Group to help identify the significant people, places, things and events that helped shape the City of Annapolis since its charter in 1708.  Part of the City’s 300th Charter Celebration in 2008 during Mayor Ellen Moyer‘s administration, this community effort continues today, five years later.  The entire project is expected to require another five or six years to complete.

Using the City and its fabric as the medium, the Annapolis Tapestries provides social, cultural, artistic and educational benefits for the citizens of Annapolis, Project participants and the many visitors to the City each year.  Far more than mere pictures of the City’s history, the Annapolis Tapestries weave significant events and people that shaped the City’s development into one-of-a-kind, storytelling visuals designed to

  • embrace the richness and complexity of the City around us;
  • increase understanding of crucial relationships between people, places and things;
  • identify and value historic and community connections;
  • stimulate conversations about time and continuity;
  • promote opportunities to share local knowledge; and
  • engage people of all ages and all backgrounds.

Three large tapestries measuring 3.5’high x 6′ wide will represent each of the centuries since the charter was granted.  Twelve smaller, complimentary tapestries measuring 10″x12″ and 18″x24″ are planned for each of the 18th, 19th and 20th century with a total 36 smaller panels.

This community effort is moving forward with the volunteer help of stitchers, historians, photographer, technical advisor and chair.  The tapestry artist/designer and the professional blocking and finishing of the stitched tapestries are the only paid services.

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